How Is Spray Foam Insulation Installed?
Spray foam Insulation Contractor is one of the most effective home insulation products. It provides excellent thermal efficiency that saves homeowners on energy bills. The benefits of spray foam go beyond insulating existing walls or new construction. Spray foam insulation also air seals the building envelope, reducing infiltration that contributes to heat loss.
How Is Spray Foam Insulation Installed?
The process for installing spray foam insulation begins with the preparation of the area to be sprayed. This typically involves cleaning the surface and ensuring it is free from dust, dirt and other debris. Then the professional contractor will activate the spray foam rig that contains two liquid chemicals – commonly referred to as A-Side and B-Side. This liquid chemical combination undergoes a rapid reaction to create polyurethane plastic foam. The foam then travels through the hose to the tip of the spray gun where it is sprayed onto roof tiles, concrete slabs, wall cavities or through holes drilled into the walls of existing homes and commercial buildings.
As the spray foam dries it fills and expands to the size of the space in which it is applied. This ensures that all nooks and crannies are filled, providing maximum energy savings. Spray foam insulation also offers soundproofing properties, which can help to reduce outside noises and keep family members quieter during sleep and leisure time.
Lastly, the spray foam will create an air barrier that reduces indoor allergens. These include mold, pollen and airborne pollutants that can cause irritation to the eyes, nose, and lungs. This helps to promote a healthy environment and minimizes the need for allergy medication.
316 Insulation of Tacoma
3010 N 27th St Tacoma WA 98407